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Минская духовная академия
В кон. XIX – нач. XX вв. в белорусских епархиях начинается организация противосектантской миссии. Для освещения деятельности миссионеров, популяризации миссии использовались «Епархиальные ведомости». Частота публикаций материалов в выпусках тех лет по этой теме является косвенным показателем уровня интенсивности деятельности миссионеров, сферы их проблемного поля, развития миссии, вовлеченности редакции и архиереев. Примечательно, что в каждой епархии деятельность противосектантских отделов и миссионеров была более подчинена внутренним церковным условиям, а не зависела, например, от численности или активности сектантов. Поэтому, помимо прочего, важнейшими задачами освещения противосектантской миссии в «Епархиальных ведомостях» была популяризация самой миссии, привлечение новых заинтересованных лиц и повышение сектоведческой грамотности духовенства. Можно отметить, что в таких случаях «Епархиальные ведомости» сами становились инструментом миссии, побуждая читателя обращаться к изучению сектантства.
In the late 19th – early 20th century, the organization of an anti-sectarian mission began in the Belarusian dioceses. The Diocesan Statements was used to cover the activities of the missionaries and to popularize the mission. The frequency of publications of materials in issues of those years on this topic is an indirect indicator of the level of intensity of missionaries' activity, the scope of their problematic plan, the development of the mission, the involvement of the editorial board and bishops. It is noteworthy that in each diocese the activities of the antisect departments and missionaries were more subordinate to internal church conditions, and did not depend, for example, on the number or activity of sectarians. Therefore, among other things, the most important tasks of covering the anti-sectarian mission in the Diocesan Statements were to popularize the mission itself, attract new interested persons and increase the clergy's sectology knowledge. It can be noted that in such cases, the Diocesan Statements itself became a mission tool, prompting the reader to turn to the study of sectarianism.
In the late 19th – early 20th century, the organization of an anti-sectarian mission began in the Belarusian dioceses. The Diocesan Statements was used to cover the activities of the missionaries and to popularize the mission. The frequency of publications of materials in issues of those years on this topic is an indirect indicator of the level of intensity of missionaries' activity, the scope of their problematic plan, the development of the mission, the involvement of the editorial board and bishops. It is noteworthy that in each diocese the activities of the antisect departments and missionaries were more subordinate to internal church conditions, and did not depend, for example, on the number or activity of sectarians. Therefore, among other things, the most important tasks of covering the anti-sectarian mission in the Diocesan Statements were to popularize the mission itself, attract new interested persons and increase the clergy's sectology knowledge. It can be noted that in such cases, the Diocesan Statements itself became a mission tool, prompting the reader to turn to the study of sectarianism.
Иванов Николай Александрович – магистр богословия, аспирант Минской духовной академии.
E-mail: nikonauk@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-7148-858X
Ivanov N. А. – Master of Theology, postgraduate student of the Minsk Theological Academy. E-mail: nikonauk@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-7148-858X
Ivanov N. А. – Master of Theology, postgraduate student of the Minsk Theological Academy. E-mail: nikonauk@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-7148-858X
Ключевые слова
Противосектантская миссия, Епархии Белорусской Православной Церкви, Белорусская Православная Церковь, Церковная история, Белорусские епархии, Сектантство, Сектоведение, Епархиальные ведомости, Миссионер, Миссионерство, Миссионерский Совет, Миссионерский отдел
Библиографическое описание
Иванов Н. А. Противосектантская миссия на белорусских землях в кон. XIX – нач. XX ст. по материалам «Епархиальных ведомостей» // Труды Минской духовной академии. 2021. №2 (19). С. 121–147.
Ivanov N. A. Anti-sectarian mission at the Belarusian lands in the late 19th – early 20th century in the Diocesan journals materials. Scientific works of Minsk Theological Academy, 2021, no. 2 (19):121–147.
Ivanov N. A. Anti-sectarian mission at the Belarusian lands in the late 19th – early 20th century in the Diocesan journals materials. Scientific works of Minsk Theological Academy, 2021, no. 2 (19):121–147.