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Минская духовная академия
Во второй половине XIX в., после упразднения унии, происходило возрождение Жировичского Успенского монастыря. Наибольший вклад в этот процесс внес архимандрит Николай (Редутто), управлявший монастырем более тридцати лет и, одновременно, на протяжении двадцати лет являвшийся смотрителем Жировичского духовного училища. Благодаря энергичности и исключительной хозяйственности архимандрита Николая монастырь преобразился: реконструирован Успенский собор, отремонтированы другие храмы, в которых начали совершаться богослужения, улучшено материальное обеспечение монастыря. В бытность на Литовской кафедре митрополита Иосифа (Семашко) архимандрит Николай нередко совершал освящения храмов в Слонимском уезде, принимал участие в различных епархиальных мероприятиях. Пользуясь большим влиянием в Жировичах, Николай (Редутто) заботился и о благополучии самого местечка.
A revival of the Zhirovichi of Dormition of Mother of God monastery was in the second half of the XIX century, after the abolition of the Union. The greatest contribution to this process was made by Archimandrite Nicholas (Redutto), who managed the monastery more than thirty years and at the same time was the director of the Zhirovichi Theological School for twenty years. The monastery was transformed thanks to the energy and exceptional economy of Archimandrite Nicholas: the Assumption Cathedral was reconstructed, other churches were repaired where services began, and the monastery's material support was improved. When metropolitan of Lithuanian Diocese was Joseph (Semashko) Archimandrite Nicholas often consecrated churches in the Slonim district, took part in various diocesan events. Using great influence in Zhirovichi, Nikolai (Redutto) also took care of the wellbeing of the town itself.
A revival of the Zhirovichi of Dormition of Mother of God monastery was in the second half of the XIX century, after the abolition of the Union. The greatest contribution to this process was made by Archimandrite Nicholas (Redutto), who managed the monastery more than thirty years and at the same time was the director of the Zhirovichi Theological School for twenty years. The monastery was transformed thanks to the energy and exceptional economy of Archimandrite Nicholas: the Assumption Cathedral was reconstructed, other churches were repaired where services began, and the monastery's material support was improved. When metropolitan of Lithuanian Diocese was Joseph (Semashko) Archimandrite Nicholas often consecrated churches in the Slonim district, took part in various diocesan events. Using great influence in Zhirovichi, Nikolai (Redutto) also took care of the wellbeing of the town itself.
Иеродиакон Агафон (Гришковец Андрей Сергеевич) – магистр богословия, преподаватель Минской духовной семинарии. E-mail: gs.and@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-5772-8727
Hierodiacon Agafon (Grishkovets) – Master of Theology, lecturer of the Minsk Theological Seminary. E-mail: gs.and@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-5772-8727
Hierodiacon Agafon (Grishkovets) – Master of Theology, lecturer of the Minsk Theological Seminary. E-mail: gs.and@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-5772-8727
Ключевые слова
Архимандрит Николай (Редутто), Жировичский Успенский монастырь, Николай (Редутто), архимандрит, Жировичское духовное училище, Реконструкция, митрополит Иосиф (Семашко), Иосиф (Семашко), митрополит, епископ Игнатий (Железовский), Игнатий (Железовский), епископ, Церковная история, Белорусская Православная Церковь, Монастыри
Библиографическое описание
Агафон (Гришковец), иеродиакон. Жизнеописание и деятельность настоятеля Жировичского монастыря архимандрита Николая (Редутто) (1815–1889) // Труды Минской духовной академии. 2021. № 2 (19). С. 90–118.
Agafon (Grishkovets), hierodiacon. Biography and activity of the abbot of the Zhirovichi monastery Archimandrite Nicholas (Redutto) (1815–1889). Scientific works of Minsk Theological Academy, 2021, no.2(19): 90–118. (In Russian).
Agafon (Grishkovets), hierodiacon. Biography and activity of the abbot of the Zhirovichi monastery Archimandrite Nicholas (Redutto) (1815–1889). Scientific works of Minsk Theological Academy, 2021, no.2(19): 90–118. (In Russian).