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Минская духовная академия
Статья представляет собой историко-каноническое исследование, посвященное полемике о праве высшего церковного суда, имевшей место в ходе так называемого «дела патриарха Никона». В отношении патриарха Никона было проведено два судебных процесса – в 1660 и 1666 гг. Второй процесс инициировался и понимался как апелляционный, поскольку патриарх не был согласен с решениями, вынесенными на суде 1660 г. В канонической практике Русской Православной Церкви этот процесс является единственным прецедентом, когда предстоятелем Церкви предпринималась попытка апелляции к Константинопольскому патриарху как к высшей судебной церковной инстанции. Однако данное дело породило и множество церковно-канонических споров о том, каким именно должен быть высший суд Церкви и кто имеет полномочия его возглавлять. Ряд участников полагал, что высший суд внутренне замыкается в каждой Поместной Церкви: таковым мог быть суд патриарха или собора архиереев этой же Церкви. Другие же считали, что эти полномочия принадлежат Константинопольскому патриарху и даже Вселенскому Собору. Полемика о праве высшего церковного суда в Православной Церкви ведется среди исследователей канонического права и до настоящего времени. Исследуемый судебный прецедент является малоизученным в трудах отечественных и западных канонистов и богословов, при этом открывает нестандартный подход к пониманию высшего церковного суда, имевший место среди восточных патриархов в середине XVII в.
The article is a historical and canonical study on the controversy about the law of the highest church court that took place during the so-called "case of Patriarch Nikon." In relation to Patriarch Nikon, 2 trials were held – in 1660 and 1666. The second trial was initiated and understood as an appeal, since the patriarch did not agree with the decisions rendered at the trial of 1660. In the canonical practice of the Russian Church, this process is a unique precedent when the primate of the Church attempted to appeal to the Patriarch of Constantinople as the highest judicial church instance. However, this case also gave rise to many church-canonical disputes about exactly what the highest court of the Orthodox Church should be and who has the authority to head it. A number of participants believed that the supreme court of the Church is internally closed in each Local Church: this could be the court of the patriarch or the council of bishops of the same Church. Others have acquired these powers from the Patriarch of Constantinople and even the Ecumenical Council. The debate about of the supreme ecclesiastical court in the Orthodox Church is still being conducted among researchers of canon law. The studied judicial precedent is poorly studied in the works of national and Western canonists and theologians, while it opens up a non-standard approach to understanding the supreme ecclesiastical court, which took place among the Eastern patriarchs in the middle of the XVII century.
The article is a historical and canonical study on the controversy about the law of the highest church court that took place during the so-called "case of Patriarch Nikon." In relation to Patriarch Nikon, 2 trials were held – in 1660 and 1666. The second trial was initiated and understood as an appeal, since the patriarch did not agree with the decisions rendered at the trial of 1660. In the canonical practice of the Russian Church, this process is a unique precedent when the primate of the Church attempted to appeal to the Patriarch of Constantinople as the highest judicial church instance. However, this case also gave rise to many church-canonical disputes about exactly what the highest court of the Orthodox Church should be and who has the authority to head it. A number of participants believed that the supreme court of the Church is internally closed in each Local Church: this could be the court of the patriarch or the council of bishops of the same Church. Others have acquired these powers from the Patriarch of Constantinople and even the Ecumenical Council. The debate about of the supreme ecclesiastical court in the Orthodox Church is still being conducted among researchers of canon law. The studied judicial precedent is poorly studied in the works of national and Western canonists and theologians, while it opens up a non-standard approach to understanding the supreme ecclesiastical court, which took place among the Eastern patriarchs in the middle of the XVII century.
Об авторе: Иерей Сергий Пинчук – магистр богословия, аспирант Минской духовной академии, клирик храма святого великомученика Феодора Тирона г. Пинска.
E-mail: Serg-987@Ya.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-4450-8618
Priest Sergei Mikhailovich Pinchuk – Master of Theology, post-graduate student of the Minsk Theological Academy, priest of the parish of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyron, Pinsk. E-mail: Serg-987@Ya.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-4450-8618
Priest Sergei Mikhailovich Pinchuk – Master of Theology, post-graduate student of the Minsk Theological Academy, priest of the parish of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyron, Pinsk. E-mail: Serg-987@Ya.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-4450-8618
Ключевые слова
Высший церковный суд, Апелляция, Церковное право, Каноническое право, Греческие патриархи, Константинопольский патриарх, Никон, патриарх
Библиографическое описание
Труды Минской духовной академии. 2021. № 18. С. 125 – 146.