Основные аспекты святости в Восточном христианстве и в исламе
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Минская духовная академия
Статья посвящена теме святости в христианстве и в исламе. В авраамических религиях, таких как иудаизм, христианство и ислам, понятие святости в полном, абсолютном смысле можно отнести только к Богу. Однако понятие святости нашло свое приложение и в отношении к человеку. Институт святости в христианстве и в исламе развивался по-разному. Сравнительный анализ даёт возможность в общих чертах определить к какому идеалу стремятся последователи этих двух религий, а также выявить общие и отличительные аспекты святости в христианстве Востока и в исламе. Для объективного представления о святости в этих религиях, необходимо рассмотреть взаимоотношения между Богом и человеком. В исламе основополагающим аспектом в этих отношениях является покорность Богу и стремление к безусловному исполнению данных предписаний. Внутри ислама возникло движение суфиев, которое стремилось выйти за рамки ритуальных отношений с Богом и считало высшей добродетелью – любовь к Богу. В среде суфиев появляется понятие «друг Бога», «святой», т.е. человек, достигший более совершенных отношений с Аллахом. Таким образом, в исламе зарождается институт святости среди суфийских братств. В Восточном христианстве отношения между Богом и человеком определяются Откровением в Священном Писании об образе и подобии человека Богу и учением Церкви о Христе, как истинном Боге и Человеке. В христианской антропологии человек может достигнуть святости через соблюдение заповедей и причастности Христу в таинствах, раскрывая в полной мере в себе образ Божий и уподобляясь Богу. Основные аспекты святости в исламе – самоскрытность, противостояние низменным желаниям и любовь к Богу Основные аспекты святости в христианстве Востока – неотмирность, решительная борьба со злом, совершенная любовь.
The article addresses the theme of sanctity in Christianity and Islam. In Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the notion of sanctity in the comprehensive, profound sense can be attributed only to the God. But the notion of sanctity has found its application to the human being as well. The concept of sanctity in Christianity and Islam developed in different ways. A comparative analysis allows determination, in general terms, to which ideal do the adepts of these two religions aspire, and detection of the common and distinctive aspects of sanctity in the Christianity of the East and in Islam. For an objective view of sanctity in these religions, it is necessary to consider the relationships between God and man. In Islam, the fundamental aspect in these relationships is submission to God and desire for absolute fulfillment of these injunctions. Sufi movement, which arose within Islam, sought to exceed the limits of the ritual relationship with God and considered the highest virtue - love of God. Among the Sufis, the concept of “friend of God”, “saint,” which means a person who has achieved a more perfect relationship with Allah. In that way, in Islam, appears the institution of sanctity among Sufi brotherhoods. In Eastern Christianity, the relationship between God and man is determined by revelation in the Holy Writes about the image and likeness of man to God and the teaching of the Church about Christ as the true God and Man. In Christian anthropology, a person can achieve holiness through keeping the commandments and joining to Christ in the sacraments, fully revealing the image of God in himself and becoming like God. The main aspects of sanctity in Islam are self-reticence, opposition to base desires and love of God. The main aspects of sanctity in Christianity of the East are being other-wordly, decisive struggle against evil, perfect love.
The article addresses the theme of sanctity in Christianity and Islam. In Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the notion of sanctity in the comprehensive, profound sense can be attributed only to the God. But the notion of sanctity has found its application to the human being as well. The concept of sanctity in Christianity and Islam developed in different ways. A comparative analysis allows determination, in general terms, to which ideal do the adepts of these two religions aspire, and detection of the common and distinctive aspects of sanctity in the Christianity of the East and in Islam. For an objective view of sanctity in these religions, it is necessary to consider the relationships between God and man. In Islam, the fundamental aspect in these relationships is submission to God and desire for absolute fulfillment of these injunctions. Sufi movement, which arose within Islam, sought to exceed the limits of the ritual relationship with God and considered the highest virtue - love of God. Among the Sufis, the concept of “friend of God”, “saint,” which means a person who has achieved a more perfect relationship with Allah. In that way, in Islam, appears the institution of sanctity among Sufi brotherhoods. In Eastern Christianity, the relationship between God and man is determined by revelation in the Holy Writes about the image and likeness of man to God and the teaching of the Church about Christ as the true God and Man. In Christian anthropology, a person can achieve holiness through keeping the commandments and joining to Christ in the sacraments, fully revealing the image of God in himself and becoming like God. The main aspects of sanctity in Islam are self-reticence, opposition to base desires and love of God. The main aspects of sanctity in Christianity of the East are being other-wordly, decisive struggle against evil, perfect love.
Протоиерей Александр Николаевич Пронин – магистр
богословия, аспирант Минской духовной академии, клирик прихода
храма иконы Божией Матери «Всех скорбящих Радость».
E-mail: a.pr71@mail.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-9398-287Х
Archpriest Aleksandr Pronin, Masters Degree in Theology. E-mail: a.pr71@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-9398-287Х
Archpriest Aleksandr Pronin, Masters Degree in Theology. E-mail: a.pr71@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-9398-287Х
Ключевые слова
Христианство, Ислам, Монашество, Мухаммад, Совершенство
Библиографическое описание
Александр Пронин, протоиерей. Основные аспек- ты святости в Восточном христианстве и в исламе. // Труды Минской духовной академии. 2020. № 17. С. 59–88.
Aleksandr Pronin, Archpriest. Key aspects of sanctity in Eastern Christianity and in Islam // Proceedings of the Minsk Theological Academy. 2020. № 17. P. 59–88.
Aleksandr Pronin, Archpriest. Key aspects of sanctity in Eastern Christianity and in Islam // Proceedings of the Minsk Theological Academy. 2020. № 17. P. 59–88.