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Минская духовная академия
Митрополит Санкт-Петербургский и Новгородский Михаил (Десницкий) в начале XIX ст. занимал должность Первоприсутствующего члена Святейшего Синода, возглавлял столичную кафедру, принимал участие в реформах духовного образования и перевода Священного Писания. Таким образом он являлся одним из самых авторитетных церковных деятелей, сыгравшим ключевую роль в развитии Русской Православной Церкви. Важное значение также имели его религиозные взгляды, богословское творчество, под влиянием которых росло следующее поколение архиереев. Несмотря на такую роль в церковной истории России и множество изданных сочинений, дореволюционные публицисты обходили стороной фигуру митрополита Михаила и его литературное наследие, и только часть из них ограничивалась краткими статьями и панегирическими трафаретными жизнеописаниями. Во второй половине ХIX ст. исследователи заговорили о наличии у митрополита Михаила религиозно-мистических взглядов, еще позже появились свидетельства об его участии в масонском движении. Такие открытия показали причину, почему жизнеописатели современники избегали составления подробной биографии бывшего столичного архипастыря. В связи с этим вопрос о крупном и современном исследовании жизни и религиозных взглядов митрополита Михаила становится еще более актуальным. Настоящая публикация на основе собранной различной литературы, в том числе библиографических редкостей, представляет первую систематическую историографию о жизни и мистических взглядах митрополита Михаила (Десницкого).
Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Novgorod Mikhail (Desnitsky) at the beginning of the 19th century served as the First-Present member of the Holy Synod, headed the metropolitan department, and took part in the reforms of theological education and the translation of Holy Scripture. Thus, he was one of the most authoritative church figures who played a key role in the development of the Russian Orthodox Church. His religious views and theological legacy were also of great importance, under the influence of which the next generation of bishops grew up. Despite such a role in the church history of Russia and many published works, pre-soviet publicists bypassed the figure of Metropolitan Mikhail and his literary heritage, only some of them were limited to short articles and panegyric stereotyped biographies. In the second half of the 19th century, researchers started talking about the presence of religious and mystical views of Metropolitan Michael, and even later evidence appeared of his participation in the Masonic movement. Such discoveries showed the reason why biographers avoided compiling a detailed biography of the former Saint Peterburg’s metropolitan. In this regard, the question of a large and modern research of the life and religious views of Metropolitan Michael becomes even more relevant. This publication, based on various literature collected, including bibliographic rarities, represents the first systematic historiography about the life and mystical views of Metropolitan Mikhail (Desnitsky).
Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Novgorod Mikhail (Desnitsky) at the beginning of the 19th century served as the First-Present member of the Holy Synod, headed the metropolitan department, and took part in the reforms of theological education and the translation of Holy Scripture. Thus, he was one of the most authoritative church figures who played a key role in the development of the Russian Orthodox Church. His religious views and theological legacy were also of great importance, under the influence of which the next generation of bishops grew up. Despite such a role in the church history of Russia and many published works, pre-soviet publicists bypassed the figure of Metropolitan Mikhail and his literary heritage, only some of them were limited to short articles and panegyric stereotyped biographies. In the second half of the 19th century, researchers started talking about the presence of religious and mystical views of Metropolitan Michael, and even later evidence appeared of his participation in the Masonic movement. Such discoveries showed the reason why biographers avoided compiling a detailed biography of the former Saint Peterburg’s metropolitan. In this regard, the question of a large and modern research of the life and religious views of Metropolitan Michael becomes even more relevant. This publication, based on various literature collected, including bibliographic rarities, represents the first systematic historiography about the life and mystical views of Metropolitan Mikhail (Desnitsky).
Иерей Артемий Кирко – магистр богословия, аспирант Минской духовной академии, заведующий Отделением заочного обучения Минской духовной семинарии.
E-mail: kirkoartemiy@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0002-5423-3518
Рriest Artemiy Kirko – Master of Theology, graduate student of Minsk Theological Academy, Head of the Department of the Distance learning at Minsk Theological Seminary. E-mail: кirkoartemiy@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-5423-3518
Рriest Artemiy Kirko – Master of Theology, graduate student of Minsk Theological Academy, Head of the Department of the Distance learning at Minsk Theological Seminary. E-mail: кirkoartemiy@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-5423-3518
Ключевые слова
митрополит Михаил (Десницкий), Михаил (Десницкий), митрополит, Религиозный мистицизм, Орден розенкрейцеров, Ордена монашеские, Монашеские ордена, Российские масонские общества, Масоны
Библиографическое описание
Артемий Кирко, иерей. Жизнь и мистические взгляды митрополита Санкт-Петербургского и Новгородского Михаила (Десницкого) (1761–1821): историография вопроса // Труды Минской духовной академии. 2021. № 2 (19). С. 61–89.
Kirko Artemiy, priest. Biography and mystical views of Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Novgorod Mikhail (Desnitsky) (1761–1821): the historiography of the subject. Scientific works of Minsk Theological Academy, 2021, no. 2 (19):61–89. (In Russian).
Kirko Artemiy, priest. Biography and mystical views of Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Novgorod Mikhail (Desnitsky) (1761–1821): the historiography of the subject. Scientific works of Minsk Theological Academy, 2021, no. 2 (19):61–89. (In Russian).